Here are the winners of the October 2020 round of the The Fellowship of Photographers Association Awards! Each month, members can submit one of their best images to be judged by the FPA team, all winning images will be displayed on a monthly blog post and are a great way of promoting your work!
The Winners
Gold Award
Angi Wallace
Silver Award and Judges Favourite Award
Huanita Kiss-Carnuta
Becky Louise
Dylan Reynolds
Bronze Award
Cat Stephens
Craig Clewlow
Debra O'Conner
Nigel Hepplewhite
Tracey Lund
Closing date for the November awards is 30 Nov 20 @ 00.00am
Rules for entry:
1. Only 1 image to be entered.
That image must be setup and shot by the person submitting the image, images from styled shoots are allowed. No images are allowed from workshops.
2. There is no Time frame to which the image must have been taken.
3. Judges may enter if they wish and if they do, they are removed from the judging process.
4. Images entered must be full resolution and no watermark or LOGO and please do not change the original crop, if you crop your image make the new crop the same dimensions, strange crop shapes example Instagram crops will be marked down.
5. On entering you give full permission for your image to be used and posted if it receives an award.
6. The decision of the awards made by the Fellowship Team is final.
7. You must own full copyright to the image that you enter.
8. Rules can & may change at any time if needed.
9. Images get viewed in depth and get heavily scrutinised for faults, so please choose/edit wisely.
10. There are no categories at present, however this could change in the coming months as we grow.
11. Each month, all award winners will be announced in a blog on the Fellowship of Photographers Association website with a link to your website! Great for some SEO juice and boosting your website rankings!
12.The photographer who receives the judges favourite award will also receive the featured photographer of the month in a special blog post!
Remember this is an AWARDS contest and not a COMPETITION please only submit your BEST image.
Send your image to